I would contend that the man who did more than anyone else to bring down the walls of communism in Europe and the USSR remains our greatest president of the last century.
It's a travesty that he was not even mentioned during the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I think enough of us remember what actually happened, and will pass what we've seen and experienced on to our children and grandchildren. It seems too many history books these days get it wrong.
I would contend that the man who did more than anyone else to bring down the walls of communism in Europe and the USSR remains our greatest president of the last century.
Ditto to Anne.
It's a travesty that he was not even mentioned during the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I think enough of us remember what actually happened, and will pass what we've seen and experienced on to our children and grandchildren. It seems too many history books these days get it wrong.
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