Lynn Rush sent an email to me describing a poll NBC is running HERE. The question on the NBC site is:
Should the motto "In God We Trust" be removed from U.S. currency?
Yes. It's a violation of the principle of separation of church and state.
No. The motto has historical and patriotic significance and does nothing to establish a state religion.
The poll is running about 86% to keep the motto on the currency.
I found the wording of the question interesting, since the original introduction of the phrase was due to an uprising of Christian sentiment around the Civil War. I personally support this motto not because of historic or patriotic significance, but because of my own religious beliefs: I like to think that our country trusts in God. On the other hand, we do not have the same domination of Christianity in our country that we did 150 years ago. My God, the Lord Jesus Yeshua Ha'Maschiach, is not the same as, say, Buddha, the god-force, or (dare I say it) Allah.
This is an interesting conundrum -- can we of different faiths unify under *God*? What think you, my friends?
You can read an unbiased description of how the motto came to be used on our American money at the US Treasury Department site HERE.
Kia Carens Stylish Exterior
3 years ago
I personally want to keep the motto on the money. And like you, it's because of my personal trust in God. But at the same time, I also kind of wonder what's the point of keeping "In God We Trust" on the currency of our nation, when the majority of our nation obviously isn't trusting in Him.
Interesting question.
I would have to ask everyone: Do you think Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and Christians (to name but a few) believe in the same God?
If not, then how can we all unite under him?
I'm glad the poll is running toward keeping it.
You're right, I think our country trusts in God, but there such variations as to Christianity itself.
There is only one truth, and that is Jesus.
While it would certainly be better to say "In God We Trust" because we are a nation characterized by faith, it would be a mistake to take the phrase off the money simply because it isn't as true as it once was. For example, although children don't always understand or feel remorse, it's still appropriate to teach them to say, "I'm sorry."
We still need to say, "In God We Trust." It is an important affirmation of why and how our nation was established.
If it's okay with you Amy, can I put in the links to a couple of posts I did in this vein?
In God We Boast
and Foundations Part I
Andra, I have to say, no. Those religious groups you mentioned don't believe in or worship the same God. I like to think, though, that we can unite under the idea that moral authority does not come from man or the state, but from a higher power. And that we are all equal under that power. (Hmm, I do see some Christian influence there...)
Jessica, you're right for the monotheists. However, I'm also thinking of so many people I know who consciously or unconsciously believe in a personal power -- whether Oprah or *word of faith* in Christian churches -- that push God aside. I agree with you, Anne, Lynn, Andra, and Sarah that I'd prefer to acknowledge God on our money even if others don't, but it does then open the ability to diversely identify God. To a Wiccan, a Wiccan prayer is no less appropriate than a Christian prayer to say before an event.
I'd have to disagree with the majority of the peple posting here as many of ancient people put trust in there god(s). Did Zeus or Thor manage to protect their believers. It is in the people you must put trust and not God. The motto should be changed to "In us we trust"
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